Stamps collecting Links

Mauritius Post Office

Here you see my favorit stamp links.

If there is no remark on language, then there is an English version available.
First the general stamp sites, further down my favorit dealers

Post Telekom Austria
Website of Austrian Post. With all stamps issued from 1954 until now described, including pictures.

Philatelic.Com & Philatelic.Net - The Ultimate Stamp Collecting Website
Including a long list with all collectors websites

SmartLinks from LookSmart (sm)

German only

Die Briefmarke
Magazine of the Austrian Philatelistic Association.
German language only.

Phildex - english
On this page a service is offered of converting different catalogue numbers to eachother.
Pitty that Michel is not included

Linn's Stamp News Online
No comments needed.

Shamrock Stamps Presents: The Stamp Trader List
This is the best presentation I know of, of the STL, the Stamp Trader List. The STL is available on different Web Pages and in newsgroups. - de grootste verzameling Nederlandstalige verzamelaars online!

Magazine of the Netherlands Philatelistic Association.
Dutch language only.

Welkom bij de Nederlandse Bond van Filatelisten-Verenigingen
Homepage of the Netherlands Philatelistic Association.

Briefmarken Hauptseite
Very good collection of stamp links; especially for German language sites.
German language only.

Website of DBZ: Deutsche Briefmarken Zeitung.

Each month new philatelic articles, mainly on Dutch stamps, are published on this site. A wide range of subjects are covered, not only about the stamps itself but also about the designers. Most of the pages are in Dutch, but there are English pages available too.

 [ Deja News ] Search Discussion Groups For:

Sachsen 3 KreuzerHere are the stamp dealers:

Brdr. bryld's Filateli
Danish stamps and covers dealer.

PostLine International Home Page
Swedish dealer.

Philately - Stamps - Collections - Thematics - Auctions (AB Philea)
Swedish dealer

PostBeeld, stamp pricelists on topic or country. With both selling and trading prices!
Dutch dealer
Very good Swedish cover dealer; lots of material before 1940. - Homepage
Starting page for different German stamp companies, like Michel and Safe.

Kosel - Alles für Sammler
Austrian dealer

Hundertwasser links:

Hundertwasser - An Austrian Painter

Haupt Index - Hundertwasser

Hundertwasser collectables, by Angye Lowe

Magnificent Views - Pictures of High Voltage Towers

Reactions Updated: 19-03-2000